BREAKING: Pro-Tower Bill is Now Law / Private Property Rate Committee

Private Property Tow-Away Rates – We Need Your Input!

It’s official! Sub HB 341 was signed into law today by Governor Kasich, the new law will take effect 90 days from today. A complete analysis of this pro-tower law will be posted here soon at

APTO is announcing the formation of a Private Property Rate Committee consisting of APTO members and industry professionals who want a role in shaping the new tow rate. As you are well aware, the private property tow-away zone rate hasn’t been increased in over 20 years. With the Governor’s signature today and the recent passage of HB 341, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) is now required to establish a maximum rate, within one year of the effective date of the bill, then review and set the rate every five years. This is great news! Ohio towers now have a venue and process to make the case for a rate increase on a regular basis. If you are interested in joining the committee, please let an APTO Board member know. APTO will be holding a conference mid-January to explain the details of HB 341 as well as discuss this new committee open to everyone in the industry. It is vital that we get this right the first time. The APTO legislative, legal, and executive staff are ready and prepared to make the case and continue to tell your story to regulators and legislators throughout the process.

APTO Lobbyist Earns the HB 341 Gavel

On account of the hard work to pass Sub HB 341 over the last year and a half, the President of the Ohio Senate, Senator Keith Faber awarded APTO lobbyist, Andy Herf, the actual gavel used to pass HB 341 on December 7, 2016. This is a significant testament and well deserved honor for Andy, all APTO members, and especially those that put so much time and effort into getting the first positive piece of legislation passed for the industry in decades. You are making a difference for your industry!

APTO has worked tirelessly to build trust and educate the Ohio legislature on the complexities and importance of the towing and recovery industry. This approach has led to a willingness of the legislature to pass laws that help—not hurt—the hardworking Ohio towing business. Although there is much more to accomplish, the groundwork of collaboration has been established, and Ohio’s towing and recovery industry is gaining the respect it deserves.

For more information on APTO and the legislative work on behalf of Ohio Towers, please browse the rest of our website or join APTO.

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